
(A selection of major research grants)

  • ERC starting grant, European Research Council, 2024-2029
  • Swedish Research Council, Research Infrastructure Grant (VR-RFI) (co-PI, lead of radio modules), 2024 – 2028
  • Fellow of AI4Research, Uppsala University, 2023
  • VR-starting grant, Swedish Science Foundation, 2022 – 2025
  • PostDoc grant, Carl Tryggers Foundation, 2022 – 2023
  • Swedish Research Council, Research Infrastructure Grant (VR-RFI) (co-PI, lead of radio modules), 2022 – 2024
  • Research Fellowship of the German Research Foundation (DFG) at UC Irvine, California,  Sept. 2017 – April 2020, grant GL 914/1-1
  • Fellow of Doctoral Research School “Particle and Astroparticle Physics in the Light of LHC” of the German Research Foundation (DFG) at RWTH Aachen University, Nov 2012 – Oct. 2015


  • Friedrich Wilhelm Award (2018) awarded yearly to one PhD dissertation per department of RWTH Aachen University for outstanding scientific achievements
  • Nomination for the dissertation award of the German Physical Society (DPG), one out of four final candidates, invited plenary talk at spring meeting DPG 2018 in Würzburg
  • Borchers Award (2017), Awarded to doctoral students of RWTH Aachen University, who have passed their PhD examination “with distinction”
  • Springorum Award (2013), RWTH Aachen University wide price, awarded to students who have passed their Master exam with distinction
  • Schöneborn Award (2013), Awarded by the department of physics for outstanding achievements in the Master’s study
  • Affiliation to the Dean’s List (2011/12)
    The dean’s list is a list of the best students from each course of study
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