- Hans Alin, “Development of a transformer model for the detection of ultra-high energy neutrinos“, 30cp Master thesis
- Maria Duran, “Askaryan Radio Emission with CORSIKA 8“, 15cp Master project
- Arnau Serra, “Reconstruction of Radio Detector Data using Graph Neural Networks“, 30cp Master thesis
- Urlich Icimpaye, “Applicability of GPT models to high-performance compute languages“, 30cp Master thesis (at Ericcson AB)
- Jakob Häggström, “Latent Data-Structures for Complex State Representation: A Steppingstone to Generating Synthetic 5G RAN data using Deep Learning“, 30cp Master thesis (at Ericcson AB)
- Javier Eguiluz Romero, Erik Pettersson, “A Recurrent Neural Network as a real-time trigger for ultra-high-energy neutrinos”, 15cp M.Sc. project
- Hans Alin, “Intelligent trigger system (thermal noise rejection) using autoencoders”, 10cp M.Sc. project
- Arnau Serra, “Analysis of performance data of wind turbines for polar regions“, 10cp M.Sc. project
- Ting Wing Choi, “Reconstruction of the energy and direction of UHE neutrinos with neural networks: Event-by-event uncertainty estimation“, 30cp Master thesis
- Nils Heyer, “Birefringence: Effects and Implications on In-Ice Radio Detection of High-Energy Neutrinos“, 30cp Master thesis (resulted in publication arXiv:2205.06169, and contribution to the ARENA2022 conference)
- Anton Holmberg, “Fast Simulations of Radio Neutrino Detectors – Using Generative Adversarial Networks and Artificial Neural Networks”, 30cp Master thesis
- Lukas Lilland, “Intelligent Trigger System for RNO-G and IceCube-Gen2“, 15cp Bachelor thesis
- Nils Heyer, “Simulation of birefringence effects for high-energy neutrino detectors“, 15cp M.Sc. project
- Jakob Beise, “In-situ calibration device of firn properties for Askaryan neutrino detectors” and “Measurement of the snow accumulation in Antarctica with a neutrino radio detector and extension to the measurement of the index-of-refraction profile“, Master thesis (resulted in publication arXiv:2205.00726 and conference contribution PoS(ICRC2021)1069)
- Sigfrid Stjärnholm, “Ghosts of Our Past: Neutrino Direction Reconstruction Using Deep Neural Networks”, Bachelor thesis (resulted in publication arXiv:2205.15872 and conference contribution PoS(ICRC2021)1055)
- Oscar Ericsson, “Investigations into neutrino flavor reconstruction from radio detector data using convolutional neural networks”, Bachelor thesis (resulted in conference contribution PoS(ICRC2021)1055)
- Maja Lecher, “Exploring the sensitivity to the neutrino flavour and inelasticity with radio detector data“, 10cp M.Sc. project
- Luca Rigon, “Development of an intelligent trigger system based on deep neural networks“, 10cp B.Sc. project