Below you can find a selection of conference talks and conference papers with contributions of me and my group. I highlight the contributions to the ICRC – the largest conference in astroparticle physics – where new results are getting presented every two years.
- “Detection of Ultra-High-Energy Neutrinos: Status and Future Developments”, 28th European Cosmic Ray Symposium (ECRS), Hvar, Croatia, 2024
- “NuRadioOpt: Optimization of Radio Detectors of Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos through Deep Learning and Differential Programming”, 4th MODE workshop on Differential Programming for Experiment Design, Valencia, Spain, 2024
- “How AI is Enabling New Breakthroughs in Fundamental Physics”, AI24 by LAMARR Institute, Dortmund, Germany, 2024
- “Advancing Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Astronomy through Deep Learning and Differential Programming”, HAMLET conference on machine learning in physics, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2024
- “Ultra-High-Energy Neutrino Astronomy through Radio Detection and Deep Learning”, General Assembly of Collaborate Research Center (SFB 1491), Bochum, Germany, 2024
- “Application of the radio detection technique in neutrino astronomy”, 1st Nordic Meeting on Neutrino and Radio Astronomy, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2024
- Christian Glaser, Alan Coleman, Thorsten Glüsenkamp, “NuRadioOpt Doubling the Detection Rate of Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos through a Neural Network Trigger”, European AI for Fundamental Physics Conference (EuCAIFCon) 2024, Amsterdam
- Thorsten Glüsenkamp, “Flexible conditional normalizing flow distributions over manifolds: the jammy-flows toolkit”, European AI for Fundamental Physics Conference (EuCAIFCon) 2024, Amsterdam, link to talk
- Pawel Marciniewski, Christian Glaser, Alan Coleman, Thorsten Glüsenkamp, “A Neural Network-based trigger for detecting ultra-high-energy neutrinos for RNO-G and IceCube-Gen2”, 1st FPGA Developers Forum 2024, CERN, link to talk
- Martin Ravn, Thorsten Glüsenkamp, Christian Glaser, “Likelihood reconstruction of radio signals of neutrinos and cosmic rays”, ARENA2024, Chicago, link to talk, arXiv:2409.11888
- Nils Heyer, Thorsten Glüsenkamp, Christian Glaser, “Deep learning reconstruction of neutrino direction, energy, and flavor with complete uncertainty prediction”, ARENA2024, Chicago, link to talk, arXiv:2410.09573
- Christian Glaser, “Application of the radio detection technique in neutrino astronomy”, 1st Nordic Meeting on Neutrino and Radio Astronomy, Gothenburg 2024, link to talk
38th International Cosmic Ray Conference 2023 (Nagoya, Japan)
- C. Glaser, A. Coleman and T. Glusenkamp, “NuRadioOpt: Optimization of Radio Detectors of Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos through Deep Learning and Differential Programming”, PoS(ICRC2023)1114
- A. Coleman and C. Glaser for the RNO-G collaboration, “Enhancing the Sensitivity of RNO-G Using a Machine-learning Based Trigger”, PoS(ICRC2023)1100
- N. Heyer, C. Glaser and T. Glusenkamp for the IceCube-Gen2 collaboration, “Deep Learning Based Event Reconstruction for the IceCube-Gen2 Radio Detector” PoS(ICRC2023)1102
- N. Heyer and C. Glaser, “Impact of Birefringence on In-Ice Radio Detectors of ultra-high-energy Neutrinos”, PoS(ICRC2023)1101
- V. Valera, M. Bustamante and C. Glaser, “Comprehensive Measurement Forecasts of the EeV Neutrino-Nucleon Cross Section with Cosmic Neutrinos at IceCube-Gen2” PoS(ICRC2023)1063
- V. Valera, M.Discovery Forecasts of the Diffuse Ultra-High-Energy Neutrino Flux with IceCube-Gen2″ PoS(ICRC2023)1065
- L. Pyras, C. Glaser S. Hallmann and A. Nelles, “Ultra-high energy muons in radio neutrino detectors”, PoS(ICRC2023)1076
- T. Glüsenkamp for the IceCube collaboration, “Conditional normalizing flows for IceCube event
reconstruction”, PoS(ICRC2023)1003 - T. Glüsenkamp for the RNO-G collaboration, “VAE-based latent-space classification of RNO-G data”, PoS(ICRC2023)1056
- C. Glaser for the ARIANNA collaboration, “Results from the ARIANNA high-energy neutrino detector”
ARENA 2022, Santiago de Compostela, link to talk, doi:10.22323/1.424.0003, arXiv:2304.07179 - S. Stjärnholm, C. Glaser, P. Baldi, S.W. Barwick, O. Ericsson, A. Holmberg, S. McAleer and T.W. Choi, “Deep-learning based event reconstruction for shallow in-ice UHE neutrino detectors” ARENA 2022, Santiago de Compostela PoS(ARENA2022)019
- N. Heyer and C. Glaser, “First-principle calculation of birrefringence effects for in-ice radio detection of neutrinos”, ARENA 2022, Santiago de Compostela PoS(ARENA2022)021
- C. Glaser for the ARIANNA collaboration, “Results from the ARIANNA high-energy neutrino detector”
Invited talk, 21st International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI) May 2022, link to talk
37th International Cosmic Ray Conference 2021 (Berlin, Germany/virtual)
- C. Glaser, S. McAleer, P. Baldi and S.W. Barwick, “Deep learning reconstruction of the neutrino energy with a shallow Askaryan detector”, PoS(ICRC2021)1051, link to poster/flash talk
- C. Glaser and S.W. Barwick, “An improved trigger for Askaryan radio detectors”, PoS(ICRC2021)1050, link to poster/flash talk
- C. Glaser, D. García-Fernández and A. Nelles, “Prospects for neutrino-flavor physics with in-ice radio detectors”, PoS(ICRC2021)1231, link to talk
- S. Stjärnholm, O. Ericsson and C. Glaser, “Neutrino direction and flavor reconstruction from radio detector data using deep convolutional neural networks”, PoS(ICRC2021)1055
- J. Beise and C. Glaser for the ARIANNA Collaboration, “Development of an in-situ calibration device of firn properties for Askaryan neutrino detectors”, PoS(ICRC2021)1069
- B. Oeyen, I. Plaisier, A. Nelles, C. Glaser and T. Winchen, “Effects of firn ice models on radio neutrino simulations using a RadioPropa ray tracer”, PoS(ICRC21)1027
- ARIANNA collaboration, “A novel trigger based on neural networks for radio neutrino detectors”, PoS(ICRC2021)1074
- ARIANNA collaboration, “Capabilities of ARIANNA: Neutrino Pointing Resolution and Implications for Future Ultra-high Energy Neutrino Astronomy”, PoS(ICRC2021)1151
- ARIANNA collaboration, “Polarization Reconstruction of Cosmic Rays with the ARIANNA Neutrino Radio Detector”, PoS(ICRC2021)1156
- ARIANNA collaboration, “Science case and detector concept for ARIANNA high energy neutrino telescope at Moore’s Bay, Antarctica”, PoS(ICRC2021)1190
- ARIANNA collaboration, “Capabilities of ARIANNA: Neutrino Pointing Resolution and Implications for Future Ultra-high Energy Neutrino Astronomy”, PoS(ICRC2021)1151
- S. Hallmann, B. Clark, C. Glaser, D. Smith for the IceCube-Gen2 collaboration, “Sensitivity studies for the IceCube-Gen2 radio array”, PoS(ICRC2021)1183
- C. Glaser for the ARIANNA collaboration, “Neutrino direction resolution of the ARIANNA detector, with Implications for future ultra-high energy neutrino astronomy”, Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescope Workshop (VLVNT) May 2021, link to talk
- C. Glaser, “Prospects for EeV tau-neutrino physics with in-ice radio detectors”, Workshop on Tau Neutrinos from GeV to EeV 2021 (NuTau2021), link to talk
- C. Glaser, “Optimization of Optical and Radio Detectors for high-energy Neutrinos”, First MODE workshop of differential programming 2021, link to talk
36th International Cosmic Ray Conference 2019 (Madison, USA)
- C. Persichilli, C. Glaser for the ARIANNA collaboration, “Performance of the ARIANNA pilot array, and implications for the next generation of UHE neutrino detectors”, PoS(ICRC2019)980, talk
- C. Glaser for the ARIANNA collaboration, “Neutrino direction and energy resolution of Askaryan detectors”, PoS(ICRC2019)899
- C. Glaser et al., “NuRadioReco: A new reconstruction framework for radio neutrino detectors”, PoS(ICRC2019)900
- D. García-Fernández, C. Glaser at al., “NuRadioMC – Simulation Code for the Next Generation of Radio Neutrino Detectors”, PoS(ICRC2019)896
- ARIANNA collaboration, “New results on angular reconstruction of deep pulser radio signals”, PoS(ICRC2019)897
- ARIANNA collaboration, “A wind-turbine for autonomous stations for radio detection of neutrinos”, PoS(ICRC2019)968
- ARIANNA collaboration, “Cosmic-ray detection with and novel reconstruction algorithms for the ARIANNA experiment”, PoS(ICRC2019)366
Selected contributions before 2019
- “Measurement of cosmogenic neutrinos with the ARIANNA experiment” (for the ARIANNA collaboration), 42nd COSPAR assembly 2018, Pasadena, USA
- “Analytic description of the radio emission of air showers based on its emission mechanisms”, 8th ARENA 2018, Catania, Italy, EPJ Web of Conferences 216, 03001 (2019) doi:10.1051/epjconf/201921603001
- “ARIANNA: Measurement of cosmic rays with a radio neutrino detector in Antarctica” (for the ARIANNA collaboration), 8th ARENA 2018, Catania, Italy, EPJ Web of Conferences 216, 02008 (2019), doi:10.1051/epjconf/201921602008, arXiv:1811.10661
- “Hunting for cosmogenic neutrinos with the ARIANNA experiment” (for the ARIANNA collaboration) (poster), 28th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino 2018), Heidelberg, Germany, doi:10.5281/zenodo.1302899
- “A novel method for the energy determination of ultra-high energy cosmic rays through radio emission of particle showers”, invited plenary talk at spring assembly of the German Physical Society (DPG 2018) as part of the dissertation award symposium, Würzburg, Germany
- “Detecting neutrinos from neutron star mergers with ARIANNA” (for the ARIANNA collaboration) (poster), Solvay Workshop SuGAR 2018, Brussels, Belgium
- “Analytic description of the radio emission of air showers based on its emission mechanisms”, 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference 2017, Busan, South Korea, published in Proceedings of Science ICRC2017 529, doi:10.22323/1.301.0529
- “A novel method for the absolute energy calibration of large-scale cosmic-ray detectors using radio emission of extensive air showers” (for the Pierre Auger Collaboration), 52nd Rencontres de Moriond (VHEPU), La Thuile, Italy, March 2017, arXiv:1706.01451
- “Simulation of the Radiation Energy Release in Air Showers”, 7th ARENA 2016, Groningen, The Netherlands, published in EPJ Web of Conferences 135 1016 (2017), doi:10.1051/epjconf/201713501016
- “Results and Perspectives of the Auger Engineering Radio Array” (for the Pierre Auger Collaboration) 7th ARENA 2016, Groningen, The Netherlands, published in EPJ Web of Conferences 135 1006 (2017), doi:10.1051/epjconf/201713501006
- “The Energy Content of Extensive Air Showers in the Radio Frequency Range of 30-80 MHz” (for the Pierre Auger Collaboration) 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference 2015, The Hague, The Netherlands, published in Proceedings of Science ICRC2015 364, doi:10.22323/1.236.0364
- “VISPA: Direct Access and Execution of Data Analyses for Collaborations” (for the VISPA group, poster and highlight talk), 16th Int. Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT), Prague, Czech Republic, Sep. 2014 published in J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 608 012027 (2015), doi:10.1088/1742-6596/608/1/012027
- “Energy Estimation for Cosmic Rays measured with the Auger Engineering Radio Array” (for the Pierre Auger Collaboration), 5th ARENA 2012, Erlangen, Germany, published in AIP Conf. Proc. 1535, 68-72 (2013), doi:10.1063/1.4807523