Teaching Experience
- Fall 2022: Application Oriented Deep Learning, Uppsala University
- Spring 2022: exercise classes in Mathematical Methods in Physics, Uppsala University
- Fall 2021: Application Oriented Deep Learning, Uppsala University
- Spring 2021: exercise classes in Mathematical Methods in Physics, Uppsala University
- Fall 2020: Radiation and Detectors lab course, Uppsala University
- summer semester 2017: Experimental Physics IV: “Nuclear and Molecular Physics” (Bachelor course with ~200 students at RWTH Aachen University), course organization, organization of exercise classes, preparation of weekly exercise sheets, preparation and grading of final exam
- winter term 2016/2017: Particle Physics II, (Master’s course with ~60 students at RWTH Aachen University), course organization, organization of exercise classes, preparation of weekly exercise sheets, preparation and grading of final exam
- summer semester 2015: Particle Physics II, (Master’s course with ~60 students at RWTH Aachen University), teaching assistant
- winter semester 2014/2015: Particle Physics I, (Master’s course with ~60 students at RWTH Aachen University), teaching assistant
- summer semester 2014: Experimental Physics IV: “Nuclear and Molecular Physics” (Bachelor course with ~200 students at RWTH Aachen University), teaching assistant
- winter semester 2013/2014: Introduction to (Astro-)particle Physics, (Bachelor course with ~200 students at RWTH Aachen University), teaching assistant
- summer semester 2013: Experimental Physics IV: “Nuclear and Molecular Physics” (Bachelor course with ~200 students at RWTH Aachen University), teaching assistant
- winter semester 2012/2013: Introduction to (Astro-)particle Physics, (Bachelor course with ~200 students at RWTH Aachen University), teaching assistant
- summer semester 2012: Experimental Physics IV: “Nuclear and Molecular Physics” (Bachelor course with ~200 students at RWTH Aachen University), teaching assistant
- winter semester 2011/2012: Experimental Physics I: “Mechanics and Special Relativity”, (Bachelor course with ~200 students at RWTH Aachen University), teaching assistant
- summer semester 2010: Experimental Physics IV: “Nuclear and Molecular Physics” (Bachelor course with ~200 students at RWTH Aachen University), teaching assistant
- winter semester 2009/2010: Experimental Physics III: “Optics and Quantum Mechanics” (Bachelor course with ~200 students at RWTH Aachen University), teaching assistant
Experience as Supervisor
since 2020: Supervision of several Bachelor and Master students on their thesis projects.
2017-2020: I co-supervised several grad students (PhD candidates) at University of California, Irvine.
From 2012 – 2017, I co-supervised three Master and two Bachelor thesis’s at RWTH Aachen University.
Pedagogical development work
From 2011 – 2017, I was part of the VISPA project on blended learning that complements proven training formats – classical lectures, exercises, student presentations – with computer-based information channels. This was achieved by complementing lectures in experimental physics, both at Bachelor and Master level, with data analysis tasks. This became possible through the VISPA web platform which brings data analysis into the web browser. Read more in our field study in a bachelor physics course from 2013.
I presented this project at the yearly event about the implementation of excellent teaching of RWTH Aachen University in a poster exhibition:
- “Analyse für alle. Anschluss der VISPA-Internetplattform an den Lernraum L2P”, Talk Lehre 2015
- “Jenseits der Show: Real-time Analyse von Experimenten durch Physik-Studierende in der Vorlesung”, Talk Lehre 2014